Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is Project Payday?

So you've seen the advertisement, hear the name, and maybe even stopped by the website. But what exactly is Project Payday?

Well, Project Payday is not a company that you can work for. It is not a company that is going to pay you. It is simply an idea. It is basically just a resource that will teach you a fairly easy way to make money online.

When I signed up for Project Payday, I was under the impression that I was signing up to be a part of Project Payday- and that they were going to be the ones to pay me. I think the whole website is set up to be a bit misleading.

All Project Payday itself is a website that has a few manuals to teach you what you need to know and then they point you in the right direction. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's confusing, because they do not market themselves as just another e-book or manual that will teach you to make money online. Yet, that is EXACTLY what they are. So do you need to join Project Payday to implement their ideas on how to make money online? No, absolutely not. But will it make things quite a bit easier? Definitely.

I joined Project Payday. Would I join it again if I knew what I know now? No, probably not. But to be fair, I probably would never have gotten to where I am if I have not bought into Project Payday. Project Payday helped me learn the Freebie Trading world. They did help point me in direction of where to go to REALLY learn what I was looking for. And I would probably have never found what I was looking for if it wasn't for their direction.

One major selling point for joining Project Payday is their referral program. They pay handsomely to those who refer other people to them. And why shouldn't they? They are selling information that you could have gotten for free, had you have known where to look.

So if you are looking for another manual or guidebook to teach you how to make money online, go for it. Join today. Or if you are great at promoting and taking advantage of referral programs- then definitely join Project Payday. All you have to do is get people to give their name and e-mail address- they don't even have to join for you to get paid.

Sweet, right?